




介绍:刘景,女,1987年生,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事荧光传感与光动力治疗研究,相关研究成果发表在 JACS, Angew, Chem.Sci., Biomaterials 等国际著名期刊,共发表SCI论文30余篇,他引频次3000余次,3篇论文被ESI列为前1%高引论文。入选山西省第六批“青年拔尖人才”支持计划(2018),山西省“三晋英才”支持计划拔尖骨干人才(2018),山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头人(2019)。主要学术兼职为山西省生物工程学会精准医学与伴随诊断专委会委员,山西省化学会理事。















1. Hongxing Zhang, Guoxi Ren, Wenhua Hou, Lijuan Wang, Yuan-Qiang Sun,* and Jing Liu,* A Silicon-Rhodamine-Based Heavy-Atom-Free Photosensitizer for Mitochondria-targeted Photodynamic Therapy,  Spectrochim. Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. , 2024, 308, 123688.

2. Zhen Yang, Jing Liu,* Hongxing Zhang, Mengxing Liu, Meixin Liu, Yanrong Li, Yuan-Qiang Sun,* Wei Guo,* Conformationally restrained coumarin hemicyanines: Improved quantum yields and potential applications in bioimaging and photodynamic therapy,  Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical , 2023, 387, 133832.

3. Linfang Wang, Jing Liu,* Minghao Ren, Wei Guo,* A highly sensitive fluorescent HClO probe for discrimination between cancerous and normal cells/tissues,  Chinese Chemical Letters , 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2023.108945.

4. Jing Liu, Mengxing Liu, Hongxing Zhang and Wei Guo*, High-Contrast Fluorescence Diagnosis of Cancer Cells/Tissues Based on beta-Lapachone-Triggered ROS Amplification Specific in Cancer Cells,  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , 2021, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202102377.

5. Linfang Wang, Jing Liu*, Hongxing Zhang and Wei Guo*, Discrimination between cancerous and normal cells/tissues enabled by a near-infrared fluorescent HClO probe, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2021, 334 ,  129602.

6. Yan Song, Hongxing Zhang, Xia Wang, Xin Geng, Yuanqiang Sun*, Jing Liu*, and Zhaohui Li, One Stone, Three Birds: pH Triggered Transformation of Aminopyronine and Iminopyronine Based Lysosome Targeting Viscosity Probe for Cancer Visualization,  Anal. Chem ., 2021, 93, 1786.

7. Hongxing Zhang, Jing Liu*, Yuanqiang Sun, Mengxing Liu and Wei Guo*, Carbon–Dipyrromethenes: Bright Cationic Fluorescent Dyes and Potential Application in Revealing Cellular Trafficking of Mitochondrial Glutathione Conjugates,  J. Am. Chem. Soc . 2020, 40, 17069.

8. Linfang Wang, Jing Liu*, Shengwei Zhao, Hongxing Zhang, Yuanqiang Sun, Aihua Wei and Wei Guo*, Fluorescence imaging of hypochlorous acid and peroxynitrite in vitro and in vivo with emission wavelength beyond 750 nm,  Chem. Commun ., 2020, 56, 7718.

9. Jing Liu, Mengxing Liu, Hongxing Zhang, Xuehong Wei, Juanjuan Wang, Ming Xian and Wei Guo*, Exploring cysteine regulation in cancer cell survival with a highly specific “Lock and Key” fluorescent probe for cysteine,  Chemical Science , 2019, 10, 10065.

10. Hongxing Zhang, Jing Liu, Bo Hu, Linfang Wang, Z Yang, Xu Han, Juanjuan Wang, Wei Bai, Wei Guo*, Dual-Channel Fluorescence Diagnosis of Cancer Cells/Tissues Assisted by OATP Transporters and Cysteine/Glutathione,  Chemical Science , 2018, 9, 3209.

11. Hongxing Zhang, Jing Liu, Linfang Wang, Minjia Sun, Xiaohan Yan, Juanjuan Wang, Jianping Guo, Wei Guo*, Amino-Si-rhodamines: A new class of two-photon fluorescent dyes with intrinsic targeting ability for lysosomes,  Biomaterials , 2018, 158, 10.

12. Hongxing Zhang, Jing Liu, Chenlu Liu, Pengcheng Yu, Minjia Sun, Xiaohan Yan, Jian-Ping Guo*, Wei Guo,* Imaging lysosomal highly reactive oxygen species and lighting up cancer cells and tumors enabled by a Si-rhodamine-based near infrared fluorescent probe,  Biomaterials , 2017, 133, 60.

13. Jing Liu, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Hongxing Zhang, Heping Shi, Yawei Shi, and Wei Guo.* Sulfone-Rhodamines: A New Class of Near-Infrared Fluorescent Dyes for Bioimaging,  ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces . 2016, 8, 22953.

14. Hongxing Zhang, Jing Liu, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Yingying Huo, Yaohua Li, Weizhi Liu, Xiao Wu, Nishu Zhu, Yawei Shi and Wei Guo*, A mitochondria-targetable fluorescent probe for peroxynitrite: fast response and high selectivity,  Chem. Commun ., 2015, 51, 2721.

15. Jing Liu, Yuan-Qiang Sun, YingYing Huo, HongXing Zhang, LinFang Wang, Pei Zhang, Dan Song, YaWei Shi, Wei Guo*, Simultaneous Fluorescence Sensing of Cys and GSH from Different Emission Channels,  J. Am. Chem. Soc . 2014,136, 574.

16. Jing Liu, Yuan-Qiang Sun, HongXing Zhang, YingYing Huo, YaWei Shi, Wei Guo*, Simultaneous Fluorescent Imaging of Cys/Hcy and GSH from Different Emission Channels,  Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 3183.

17. Yuan-Qiang Sun, Jing Liu, Hongxing Zhang, Yingying Huo, Xin Lv, Yawei Shi, and Wei Guo*, A Mitochondria-Targetable Fluorescent Probe for Dual-Channel NO Imaging Assisted by Intracellular Cysteine and Glutathione,  J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 2014, 136, 12520.

18. Jing Liu, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Hongxing Zhang, Yingying Huo, Yawei Shi, Heping Shi and Wei Guo*, A carboxylic acid-functionalized coumarinhemicyanine fluorescent dye and its application to construct a fluorescent probe for selective detection of cysteine over homocysteine and glutathione,  RSC Advances , 2014, 4, 64542.

19. Jing Liu, Yuan-Qiang Sun, JingYu Zhang, Ting Yang, JianBin Chao, LiShen Zhang, W. Guo*, A ratiometric fluorescent probe for biological signaling molecule H2S: fast response and high selectivity,  Chemistry-A European Journal , 2013,19, 4717.

20. Jing Liu, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Pi Wang, JingYu Zhang, Wei Guo*, Construction of NIR and ratiometric fluorescent probe for Hg2+ based on a rhodamine-inspired dye platform,  Analyst , 2013,138, 2654.

21. Jing Liu, Yuan-Qiang Sun, Xin Lv, Wei Guo*, Fluoreascent detection of biothiols based on a novel cascade reaction,  Analytical Methods , 2013, 5, 3642.

22. Yuan-Qiang Sun, Jing Liu, JingYu Zhang, Ting Yang, Wei Guo*, Fluorescent probe for biological gas SO2 derivatives bisulfite and sulfite,  Chem. Commun. , 2013, 49, 2637.

23. Yuan-Qiang Sun, Jing Liu, Xin Lv, YunLong Liu, Yun Zhao, Wei Guo*, Rhodamine-Inspired Far-Red to Near-Infrared Dyes and Their Application as Fluorescence Probes,  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,  2012, 51, 7634.

24. Yuan-Qiang Sun, Jing Liu, Pi Wang, JingYu Zhang, Wei Guo*, D-Luciferin Analogues: a Multicolor Toolbox for Bioluminescence Imaging,  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , 2012, 51, 8428.






